Blonde Jokes

Runaway Train

A gentleman being curious asked the blonde what the handcuffs and rope were for.

The blonde responded by saying, “The news reported a runaway train heading to New York and I want the reward for the capture.”

One day a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead were being chased by the police.

The girls decided to go up 3 different trees and hide.

The brunette hid in the apple tree. The redhead hid in the lemon tree, and the blonde hid in the oak tree.

The policeman went to the apple tree and said, “Is there anyone up there?”

The brunette went, “meow”

The policeman said to himself, “Oh, its just a cat stuck up in a tree!”

Then he went over to the lemon tree and said, “Is there anyone up there?”

The redhead went, “bark bark”

The policeman said to himself, “Oh, its just a dog stuck up in a tree!”

Then he went over to the oak tree and said, “Is there anyone up there?”

The Blonde went, “Acorn, acorn!”
