Rick Miller

Brother Rick Miller
Layman for Jesus Christ
Age – 50
Born – 02/15/1963
Saved – 01/29/1978 – (14years old)
Baptized – 3/26/1978


What does it mean to be “Saved?” Have you ever even heard of the term, “Saved or Born Again?” Well, don’t be disappointed if you haven’t. When I was 14 years old, I had never heard of those things either. It was shortly after, my friends and neighbors, across the street, started attending a new church, when these words came into my life

I was born and raised Methodist. I attended our local church in the country, since I could remember. I attended several Vacation Bible Schools, Camps, Church gatherings and activities, and through all of this, was under the impression that in order to go to Heaven, I just needed to “keep my nose clean” or just be a good decent person. After all, I was attending church, which I was sure that was what God wanted, and I never killed anybody or did anything “really bad” – so under the teachings and instructions I was given, I must be headed to Heaven with everybody else that was nice –right?

My friends had similar beliefs. We were always doing something together, playing sports, shooting guns, riding bikes – just normal kid stuff. Then, one Sunday, I noticed that they were not in Church. I figured that they must be sick. As soon as I could, I asked them where they were, they said they started to attend a different church in town – a Baptist Church. Then they started inviting me, and started telling me, that I need to get saved. Well, I could not understand why I need to be saved –after all – what danger was I facing, that I needed to be salvation from? I was quite happy in my life, and saw no need of that, but, since they were my friends I agreed to go.

As I entered the Baptist church, I noticed the people were very warm and friendly, and it seemed everyone, shook my hand. The music that we sang, were the old hymns, and although I don’t recall ever singing them, they seemed familiar. As the Preacher began to preach, everyone opened their Bibles (they didn’t just sit there and listen) and they followed along with him. As he continued through the message, I started thinking that my friends had set me up –because it seemed like he was talking right to me. As the Preacher spoke of Heaven and Hell – I realized that according to the Bible (God’s Word) – I was not heading to Heaven, because I was a sinner, and had never trusted Jesus as my Savior. There wasn’t a time when I asked for forgiveness, or was sorry for my sins. I had no idea of why Jesus died on the cross, was buried in a tomb and rose from the dead. I was trusting in my good works to get me there. For the first time –it all of a sudden made sense. I realized that there was a God, and that this was real, and that I was headed for Hell – and you know what – I was terrified. It was scary. As the question was asked, “ Is there anyone here, who hasn’t trusted Jesus as their Savior, but would like to today”, was asked, I raised my hand. Shortly after they asked those who raised their hands to come forward, I froze. My friend came over to me, and offered to walk down the isle with me, but I was so scared, I couldn’t move. I promised him that I would come back that night, and get Saved. Well, I honored the promise, and returned that night. I can tell you this, it wasn’t any easier during that invitation, but, I went forward. I remember the Pastor, standing there with a warm smile, and his arm extended out –welcoming me. He then asked me if I wanted to get Saved, and all I could do is muster up a nod. Then a deacon took me into a room, showed me verses from the Bible on how to trust Jesus, and know I was going to Heaven. The entire time I spent weeping – knowing that I had treated Jesus wrong, and that I was a sinner and was so sorry for my actions. As I stumbled through the sinner’s prayer, I asked Jesus to forgive me, and come into my heart and I knew he heard and accepted my prayer.

To this day, that is the greatest thing that has ever happened in my life. I am so glad, that I had friends enough to care, and pray for me to get Saved. As a young person or teen, if you haven’t trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior, why not do it today? He died on the cross for you; He loves you, and wants to be your Savior. Heaven isn’t automatic –it’s a gift, that needs to be received and that gift is eternal life through Jesus Christ. The gift is free, no charge, all that’s required is that you truly and humbly believe that:
1) You’re a sinner (Romans 3:23)
2) Because of your sin, you are headed for and deserve Hell (Romans 6:23) – (Rev 21:8)
3) Jesus loves you and doesn’t want you to go to Hell (Rom 5:8)
4) All you need to do is have faith, repentance, and ask (Rom 10, 9-10) ( Rom 10:13)

True faith shows fruit – not just words – anyone can say anything, but if you truly believe – then you will be more than glad to learn more about Jesus (Galatians 5:22-26) ( John 10:27,28)

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