Youth Activities


SUPPLIES NEEDED: Masking tape, newspaper rolls, crumpled up newspaper balls. A long table.

Form two teams. Give team 1 newspaper batons or bats and give team 2 a large supply of newspaper wads. Put a table sideways on the floor for a goal. Measure a 6-foot radius from the table’s edge, and make a circle around the table with masking tape. Have members of team 1 lie on their backs with their heads toward the table and their feet toward the tape. Have members of team 2 sit cross-legged around the outside of the tape. When you blow the whistle, kids on team 2 should try to throw the newspaper wads into the table while kids on team 1 guard the table with their newspaper bats. After 30 seconds, blow the whistle and count the wads in the tub. Then switch sides.