St. Patty’s

St Patty’s Joke

Why can’t you borrow money from a leprichan?

cuz they’re allways a little short

What do call an irish man who keeps bouncing off the walls?

Rick O’shea

What is out on the lawn all summer and is Irish?

Patty O’Furniture

What do you call a fake rock in Ireland?

A sham rock

Why do frogs like St. Patrick’s Day?

Cuz they’re always wearing green!

When is an Irish Potato not an Irish Potato?

When it’s a French Fry!

What does it mean when you find a horseshoe?

Some Poor horse is going barefoot!

Why did the elephant wear his green sneakers instead of his red ones?

The red ones were in the wash!

Why is a river rich?

Cuz it has two banks!

What does a leprechaun call a happy man wearing green?

A jolly green giant!

Knock Knock

Who’s there?


Irish Who?

Irish you a happy St Patty’s Day

What is Barney’s favorite thing on St. Patricks day?

The Blarney stone!

What do you get when you cross a pillowcase with a stone?

A sham Rock!

Why did St. Patrick drive all the snakes out of Ireland?

He couldn’t afford plane faire!

Why do leprechauns hide behind 4-leafclovers and not 3-leafclovers?

They need all the luck they can get

What do you call a diseased Irish criminal?

A leper con
