Some Fun Facts About The Bible

More Bible Facts

Some more facts related to the bible that you may have not known

The wisest man in the Bible was Solomon

The oldest man in the Bible was Methuselah who died at age 969

The strongest man in the Bible was Samson

The tallest man in the Bible was Goliath

Abraham was the first person in the bible to be called a Hebrew

Solomon had 300 concubines and 700 wives

The line ‘Do not be afraid “appears 365 time in the Bible

Noah built the ark when he was 600 years old

The Old Testament was written in Hebrew

The New Testament was written in Greek

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, it only has 1 chapter and 21 verses

The shortest book in the New Testament is 2 John which has 13 verses

The longest book in the New Testament is Acts with 28 chapters although Mathew also has 28 chapters it is not as long

The longest book in the Bible is Psalms
